jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

Song of the day #57#

Maldita Nerea is one of my favorite spanish groups and now that they have released a new single, it's time you listen to it! Song of the day #57#: Fácil, Maldita Nerea.
Maldita Nerea es uno de mis grupos españoles favoritos y ahora que han sacado un nuevo single, es momento que lo escucheis! Cancion del dia #57#: Fácil, Maldita Nerea.

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Song of the day #56#

Avui, vull dedicar la cançó del dia a un equip que forma part del meu cor, de la meva pàtria i nació, del meu esperit! És el FCB, el Barça, l'equip de Messi, Puyol, Piqué, Afellay, Iniesta, Xavi, Villa i molts mes que trigaria massa en citar! L'equip Blaugrana, el millor equip del món. Avui hem superat la prova, hem demostrat qui som i com som. Lluitadors, valents, genials, increibles. Va per tu Barça!
Today, I wanna dedicate the Song of the day to a team that is part of my heart, my homeland and nation, my spirit! It's FCB, Barça, Messi, Puyol, Piqué, Afellay, Iniesta, Xavi, Villa and other players that will take too long to list's team. 'Blaugrana' team, the best team in the world. Today we have overcome the test, we have demonstrate who and how we are. Fighters, brave, awesome, incredible. It's for you, Barça!
Hoy, quiero dedicar la canción del dia a un equipo que forma parte de mi corazon, mi patria y nacion, mi espiritu! Es el FCB, el Barça, el equipo de Messi, Puyol, Piqué, Afellay, Iniesta, Xavi, Villa y muchos mas que tardaria demasiado a citar! El equipo balugrana, el mejor equipo del mundo. Hoy hemos superado la prueba, hemos demostrado quienes somos y como somos. Luchadores, valientes, geniales, increibles. Va por ti Barça.

Glee or original? I feel pretty / Unpretty

Today I've watched the new episode of Glee called Born this way, refering to Lady Gaga's song. It's obvious they've sung this song, but the song I liked the most is the mash-up of I feel pretty (West Side Story) and Unpretty (TLC).
Hoy he visto el nuevo episodio de Glee llamado Born this way, haciendo referencia a la cancion de Lady Gaga. Es obvio que han cantado esta cancion, pero la que mas me ha gustado ha sido el mash-up de I feel pretty (West Side Story) y Unpretty (TLC).




Well, I think that the two songs separated are good. West Side Story is such a good musical and the TLC's song is very emotional, but Dianna Agron and Lea Michelle singing the mash-up... is incredible how a song can transmit you so many feelings!
Bien, creo que las dos canciones separadas estan bien. West Side Story es un gran musical y la cancionde TLC es muy emotiva, pero Dianna Agron y Lea Michelle cantando la mezcla... es increible como una cancion puede transmitir tantos sentimientos!

martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Glee or original? Somewhere only we know

This song is aired in the episode showed tonight in the USA, but there's a preview which is the Warblers singing this song of Keane.
Esta cancion aparece en el episodio que se emite hoy en los EEUU, pero hay un adelanto que es Los Warblers cantando esta cancion de Keane.



This song is amazing. Seriously, is one of the best songs I've discovered recently, and I want to say that if I have to choose, I like listening to them both. I think that Glee's version has more meaning for me because of the series, but when Keane sings this song... wow, it's incredibly emotional. The lyrics, the piano, the voice. Amazing.
Esta cancion es increible. En serio, una de las mejores que he descubierto recientemente, y quiero decir que si he de escoger, me gusta escuchar las dos versiones. Creo que la de Glee tiene mas significado para mi porque sigo la serie, pero cuando Keane canta esta canción.... uau, es increiblemente emocional. La letra, el piano, la voz. Increible.

Weekly summary of Los 40 Principales

Let's see the weekly summary of Los 40 principales:

  • Most weeks on chart: Dynamite (Taio Cruz)
  • New songs: Rabiosa (Shakira ft. El Cata), Fácil (Maldita Nerea), S&M (Rihanna)
  • Biggest jump: Mr. Saxobeat (Alexandra Stan) --> 7 to 3
  • Number 1: On the floor (JLo ft. Pitbull)
  • ----
    Veamos el resumen semanal de Los 40 Principales:

    lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

    Song of the day #55#

    I know I've showed you this song yet, but I found that there are two versions. In the one I show you today Fergie sings her own verse! All of the lights, again!
    Sé que os enseñé esta cancion una vez, pero he encontradp que hay dos versiones. En la que os enseño hoy Fergie tiene su propia estrofa! All of the lights, otra vez!

    domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

    Tweets of the Week

    TV On The Radio
    @TVonTheRadio: We can't thank you all enough for the love you show to us. You can send messages to sandwichpaw@gmail.com we'll print them for his sevice xo
    @Trent_Reznor: Terrible news. Gerard was such a sweet guy. Much love to the TVOTR camp.http://bit.ly/gutKrE
    @AlYankovic ("Weird" Al Yankovic): GAGA UPDATE!http://j.mp/ijc8KJ
    @AsherRoth: Columbine, Gulf Oil Spill, Hitler's b-day....4/20 is actually kind of a bummer.
    @FleetFoxes: Being interviewed by the NME is like being interrogated for a crime you didn't commit. Every question is a set up.
    @JulietteLewis: I know it sucked when Kiss took their make up off... But how long were they supposed to keep it going? What was plan B? God I relate
    @Questlove: Can't believe I'm about to have my first Katz deli sandwich (harry "ill have what she having" met sally spot) been meaning to come for years!
    @JoeJonas: Adele... Your record makes me very happy inside.
    @AdamLambert: Just caught up on idol via YouTube... HALEY!!! Heads and shoulders above the rest. Gave me chills. Effortlessly badass.
    @Diplo: Jus got kicked out of a resteraunt in belgium for ordering coors lite
    @Sn00ki: Ouch! Never got extensions before..this shit hurts!
    @iamlittleboots (Little Boots): Not gonna lie, making a total racket in the studio
    @BigBoi: Ahhhh breakfast in bed, #californiakingshit
    @KylieMinogue: Dear Weather Gods....Please, please, PLEASE can London always be like this??!! #wishfulthinking
    @ThisIsRobThomas: ok, listen to me, tuesday. you're gonna shut up, you're gonna sit down and you're gonna do what you're told and we'll get along fine.
    @TinieTempah: Has started watching 'Gossip Girl'.... Oh lord I've been out here too long!!
    @Wale: So the news would rather talk bout Barry Bonds, then Shaw University...I feel like if thatd been some other schools....nevermind
    @SouljaBoy: Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them.
    @Lights: A dad to his little daughter at the Body World exhibit today: "Don't look at the naughty, body bits, Megan!"
    @Billy (Smashing Pumpkins' Billy Corgan): It's official: Major @smashingpumpkin announcement this coming Tuesday. Regards new and old SP music. Big changes...exciting news.

    Till the world ends: remix!

    Listen to it. The remix of the newest song of Britney Spears but with the collaboration of Nicki Minaj and Ke$ha!
    Escuchalo. El remiz de lo mas nuevo de Britney Spears pero con la colaboracion de Nicki Minaj y Ke$ha!

    viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

    Song of the day #54#

    I've showed you some songs of Norwegian Recycling, which are always a mash-up of some songs. This time I bring you Lights, a mash-up of:

    1. Kanye West feat. Rihanna - All Of The Lights
    2. Baby Bash feat. T-Pain - Cyclone
    3. Blink 182 - All The Small Things
    4. Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me
    5. Foo Fighters - Learn To Fly
    6. Chris Brown - Yeah 3x
    7. Lady Gaga - Paparazzi
    8. Modjo - Lady
    9. Muse - Starlight
    10. Pendulum - The Island
    11. Rihanna feat. Slash - Rockstar
    12. The Killers - Mr. Brightside

    Os he enseñado algunas canciones de Norwegian Recycling, que siempre son mash-ups de algunas canciones. Esta vez os traigo Lights, un mash-up de:

    1. Kanye West feat. Rihanna - All Of The Lights
    2. Baby Bash feat. T-Pain - Cyclone
    3. Blink 182 - All The Small Things
    4. Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me
    5. Foo Fighters - Learn To Fly
    6. Chris Brown - Yeah 3x
    7. Lady Gaga - Paparazzi
    8. Modjo - Lady
    9. Muse - Starlight
    10. Pendulum - The Island
    11. Rihanna feat. Slash - Rockstar
    12. The Killers - Mr. Brightside

    jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

    Run the world (Girls), the new song of Beyoncé

    Well, I have no words for this song... I think that compared with Halo or Single Ladies, this song is a shit. Beyoncé has become another artist, not an special one as she was.
    Bien, no tengo palabras para esta cancion... creo que comparada con Halo o Single Ladies, esta cancion es una mierda. Se ha convertido en otra artista, y no en una especial como antes.

    miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

    Glee or original? Turning Tables

    Today, I've watched the new episode of Glee, and Gwyneth Paltrow sang this Adele's song. As I loved this song before Glee, I've decided to show you and compare the two songs.
    Hoy, he visto un nuevo episodio de Glee, y Gwyneth Paltrow cantaba esta canciónd de Adele. Como me encataba esta cancion antes de Glee, he decidido enseñarosla y comparar las dos canciones.



    My veredict is that they are both awesome. i found Adele's voice so deep and emotional that I almost cry, but Gwyneth has such a good voice, so soft and also emotional, that makes me feel in calm.
    Mi veredicto es que las dos son increibles. Encuentro la voz de Adele profunda y emocional, tanto que puede hacerme llorar, pero Gwyneth tiene una voz espectacular, tan suave y emocional, que hace que me tranquilice.

    Tweets of the Week

    @JustinBieber : You would think paparazzi would have some respect in holy places. All I wanted was the chance to walk where Jesus did here in Isreal.
    @BestyCoastyy (Best Coast): Going to overpack the shit out of my suitcase for coachella
    @BradPaisley: Tying to think of a funny tweet. Nothin.
    @SteveMartinToGo (Steve Martin): BREAKING NEWS: made a cell phone call today free of oscillating, underwater sound. I'll see if it is reflected on my bill.
    @keshasuxx (Ke$ha): My groupies go to Harvard.
    @Diggy_Simmons: Just heard that @ciara said she'd let me date daughter if she had one, I'm very flattered :)
    @iamdiddy (Diddy): Wake your asses up! And change your Life! Let's Go!
    @Ginuwine09 (Ginuwine): It's strange how some time family can be your enemy a shame at the same time, pray for those who are lost they all need a hug #stophating
    @alyankovic (Weird Al Yankovic): 2 million followers! Beat THAT, Charlie Sheen!! (Oh, wait, he has. Never mind.)
    @britneyspears : @NICKIMINAJ The #FemmeFataleBARBZ wont know what hit em. Ready or not people, here we come.... -Britney
    @SolangeKnowles: I asked Marylin Manson what kind of eyeliner he uses. #smokyshit Then I yelled out _____________ Out of control
    @MarkHoppus: (Blink-182) The weather in NYC is so nice, I might grab my bikini and lay out in Times Square.
    @RealWizKhalifa (Wiz Khalifa): blowin tha frohawk out since he got his own trendin topic n all...fucker
    @jermjackson5 (Jermaine Jackson): Dear @Marlon_Jackson, apparently you are our brother Marlon??? Wow. But you don't speak the language of my little bro'...
    @PeteWentz: Dudes carrying around mini dogs for girls in beverly hills we have come a long way from hunting and gathering, kinda in the worst way.
    @RecordStoreDay: thanks to everyone for support of the stores. give employees a big hug tomorrow, @rsd11. They are smelly but worth it.
    @Coldplay: The woman who discovered our band - @debswild - is climbing a mountain for kids with cancer. Please sponsor her at http://bit.ly/frn2yu
    @BeastieBoys : Back again...Make Some Noise -http://bit.ly/fYod8I
    @SnoopDogg: DJ Snoopadelic on tha 1s n 2s live from Jupiters Gold Coast AUS http://bit.ly/hmhGe5(pic)
    @RZAWU: (RZA) Check out getting yourself a FREE copy of Kickdrums new mixtape at www.thekickdrums.com