jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

News (songs)

For begin this post, I want to give you a good new for the Twilight's fans (or maybe it's not a good new for Robert Pattinson fans). He is getting married with Kristen Stewart! He was annoyed because everyone was saying about some affairs so he has proposed her and she has accepted.
Para empezar la entrada, os quiero dar una buena noticia para los fans de Crepúsculo (o tal vez no es una buena noticia para los fans de Robert Pattinson). Se casa con Kristen Stewart! Él estaba enfadado porque todo el mundo hablaba de algunos romances así que le ha pedido la mano a Kristen y ella ha aceptado.

Now, it's a Record new. Rihanna has reached Elvis' record of having 5 singles on the top lists in a row. After a small slump with Rated R, she came back with Loud, with which she has reached fame more than ever. Today, as a reward, I will show you one of her best songs: What's my name?
Ahora, una noticia de récords. Rihanna ha alcanzado el récord de Elvis por tener 5 singles seguidos en la cima de las listas. Después de un pequeño bajón con Rated R, ella volvió con Loud, con el qual ha alcanzado la fama más que nunca. Hoy, como premio, os enseñaré una de sus mejores canciones: What's my name?

And finally, an announcement: Kidz is the second single of Take That and it will be released 28th February.
Y para acabar, un anuncio: Kidz será el segundo single de Take That y será sacado el 28 de febrero.

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