jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

About new songs

Today I bring you two new songs! The first one is from Rihanna. It's called Man Down and I love it. This song has a reggae rhythm that makes you dance for sure!
Hoy os traigo dos nuevas canciones! La primera es de Rihanna. Se llama Man Down y me encanta. Tiene un ritmillo de reggae que hará que bailes segurísimo!

The second one is the new Beyoncé's single and it's called Best thing I never had. It is a soul-pop ballad that reminds me of nineties where Beyoncé shows us her romantic face. Obviously, I think it's better than Who run the world.
La segunda es el nuevo single de Beyoncé y se llama Best thing I never had. Se trata de una balada soul-pop que recuerda a la década de los noventa donde Beyoncé nos muestra su faceta más romántica. Obviamente me gusta mas que Who Run the World.

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