lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Tweets of the Week

@pink : We are ecstatic to welcome our new beautiful healthy happy baby girl, Willow Sage Hart. She's gorgeous, just like her daddy. #beyondblessed
SheilaEdrummer@SheilaEdrummer: I will not be performing with prince anymore. i thank u 4 ur support. blessings 2 u all.
@rihanna: The music industry isn't exactly Parents R Us! We have the freedom to make art, LET US! Its your job to make sure they dont turn out like US
nicki minaj@NICKIMINAJ: Congratulations to the graduating class of 2011! ItsPinkFridayHoe
Nicki Minaj@liltunechi: I only hope that my legacy is as amazing as Shaq's. By far the most dominating player ever.
Loso@bestcoastyy: Beyonce has the best looking weave of anyone on earth.
if you unfollowed me i feel bad for you cause your gonna miss my metldown this week.
ceelo@ceelogreen: Yo are there any cowgirls in nashville who need to get uh....branded?
Lady Gaga
@ladygaga : Spent the last days scribbling in strange calligraphy, "thank you," over+over again on the walls. Wish I could hug all my fans at once. I♥U.
PeterBjornJohn@PeterBjornJohn: if dallas mavericks wins tonite we might play "young folks" in the nude and if u lose we will mos def not be naked so u win either way! Lol
Rivers Cuomo@RiversCuomo: I'm getting borderline too buff.
Katy Perry
@katyperry: #youknowurstraightedgewhen you're singing "SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS," while drinking wellness shots #healthy
Britney Spears
@britneyspears: First day rehearsing on the Femme Fatale stage. So electric! This is going to be the best show of my career. -Britney
Mark Hoppus
@markhoppus: If I keep my mouth shut and don't break, there's a 50% chance the kid takes the rap for my fart. Sorry, little man.
fleetfoxes@FleetFoxes: Often I wonder how or why any of this ever happened and why I'm in a dressing room in fucking London.
AlexDaKid@AlexDaKid: Creating something from nothing turns me on.....
amandapalmer@AmandaPalmer: only in NYC can you be on a corner hailing a cab and a stretch limo pulls over & asks where you're going. took it. regular can fare, baby.
Blake Shelton
@blakeshelton: Oh my god!! Christina is here too!!!!
Justin Bieber
@justinbieber : got my friend @seankingston in my prayers tonight. a true friend and big bro. please keep him in your prayers tonight as well.
Chamillionaire@theantlers: what's the 20 in Matchbox 20? Was this just a byproduct of the number-happy 90s? (e.g. eve6, stroke9)?

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