As you know, yesterday it was aired the third episode of Glee's New Season! I didn't post last week because I didn't really enjoyed any song. However, the song I'm bringing you is great. I had heard Jennifer Hudson singing this before, and when I found out it would be sung in Glee I was excited!
Como sabeis, ayer se emitió el tercer episodio de la Nueva temporada de Glee! No puse nada la semana pasada porque no me gustó ninguna canción. A pesar de eso, la canción que os traigo hoy es increible. Ya la había oido antes cantada por Jennifer Hudson, y cuando vi que la cantarian en Glee estaba tan contento!
Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Jennifer rocks this! Amber is doing a great job but I don't think she really fits with so a pop song!
Bueno, es obvio, no? Jennifer gana! Amber lo hace genial pero no creo que realmente encaje con una canción tan pop!
And if you'd thought it's over, it ain't! As I didn't post a song last week, I decided to post two! This song is not about singing is more about acting! "It's all over" by Dreamgirls, a great discussion about fame, power and competition!
Si os habeis pensado que he acabado, pues no! Como no colgué nada la semana pasada colgaré dos esta semana! Esta canción no es sobre cantar sino sobre actuar! "It's all over" de Dreamgirls, una gran discusión sobre fama, poder y competición!
I have a dilema here! Dreamgirl's version has more sense because in Glee's one there are two much people! But I prefer the voices of Glee's! So, let's give them a tie!
Pues ahora mismo tengo un dilema! La version de Dreamgirls tiene mas sentido porque en la de glee hay demasiada gente! Pero prefiero las voces de Glee! Dejemoslo en un just empate!
Spotlight que bonaa! A mi em va encantar! Per cert. Tens una currada de blog, m'encanta!