Well, what a surprise! I can't believe what happened last night! First of all, let's see who are in the bottom two: Sami Brooks and Kitty Brucknell! Wait: what is Kitty doing in the bottom two? She did an amazing performance! It's obvious that people only wants a soft pop artist and not a real one... but well. Let's see their last chance performances.
Bueno, vaya sorpresa! No puedo creer que paso ayer por la nochee! Primero de todo, veamos quienes eran las dos menos votadas: Sami Brooks y Kitty Brucknell! Espera: que hace Kitty entre los dos menos votados? Hizo una actuacion increible! Esta claro que a la gente le gusta el pop suave y no los artistas reales.... pero bueno. Veamos sus actuaciones para salvarse.
And the eliminated was... SAMI! I didn't think she should have left this week, but I prefer Kitty to stay! Gary, Kelly and Louis voted against Sam and Tulisa against Kitty. Bad news this week,I hope next week Frankie is leaving!
Y eliminaron a.... SAMI! No creo que debiera haverse ido esta semana, pero prefiero que se quede Kitty! Gary, Kelly y Louis votaron en contra de Sam y Tulisa de Kitty. Malas noticias esta semana, espero que la semana que viene se vaya Frankie!
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